Thursday, March 7, 2013

Prepare --> Succeed


For years I have heard my mother say, “Prior planning prevents piss poor performance.” Usually in regard to doing homework, some sports related, or forgetting to bring a coat in the middle of winter. It is true; she was right and I use this as a mantra. I lead a relatively busy life, so planning, organization, and preparation are keys to my success.

I’m in the beginning stages of training for my first FIGUREcompetition…going down July 27th in Austin, TX. This endeavor has presented numerous challenges beyond working toward the ultimate goal. I almost always have some sort of physical benchmark I am trying to reach…whether it is running, lifting, formerly softball, etc…However; I never paid much attention to my diet. “Everything in moderation” has been my philosophy. It was a good one…while it lasted.

Now I have very specific instructions: 1800-1900 calories at a 40/40/20 percent split of the macronutrients, carbs, protein, and fat; respectively. I have been using to help me track my intake.

The Routine:

My current routine includes grocery shopping on Saturday nights around 9pm or later. I hate when there are people at the store…so I avoid peak times…It sounds lame, but it is so relaxing and nice. Sometimes they are out of things I need, but I have no problem stopping in randomly when needed, or substituting b/c I am impatient and lazy. (Usually just for dinner)
To prepare for preparation (yep) I purchased 5 containers for large salads, and had several others to use for smaller portions.

Sunday nights I also lay out 4 sets of clothing for weight days. (MTThF) Just on my floor in my room. So I can hop out of bed throw them on and get going. No fumbling for socks, or finding a good sports bra. If I feel like it, I will do the same for my daily wear. Those items get packed nightly into my gym bag and taken to the car each morning. If not, I just choose each night…

I have activities on Sundays usually, so I spend the evening cooking and prepping everything for the following week; 5 breakfasts, 5 lunches. I take all of this food to work Monday morning and leave it in the fridge.

Items I keep at work:




               Sharp Paring Knife

                2lbs Protein

                Dish Soap and Scruber/Sponge

I hate eating from containers. Food doesn’t taste as good, it doesn’t look as good, and it is less fun to eat. I just got some cheap stuff from Fred Meyer.

I make 2 shakes before I leave the house on lifting days. I drink one on the way to the gym (or while my car warms up if it is cold) with a banana, and drink the second on my way from the gym to work or when I get to the office.

The following are the things I made for the past 3 weeks for breakfast and lunch. I ate the same thing for 5 days in a row for breakfast and lunch. Yes, it can get a little boring, but the reality it is easy, it is healthy, it makes prep simple, and it is much less time consuming when I enter it into myfitnesspal…

Week 1:

6:30 1st Breakfast: 1 Scoop Plant Fusion Protein

8:30 2nd Breakfast: The Best Oatmeal EVER

10:30 1st Lunch: 1 Scoop Plant Fusion Protein

12:30 2nd Lunch: Salad with Homemade Seitan

3:30 Snack: 1 Scoop Plant Fusion Protein

5:30 Dinner: Varied-

                Monday: Mushroom/Asparagus/Spinach bowl with Homemade Seitan

                Tuesday: Chickpea Salad in Lettuce

                Wednesday: Lentil/Gluten Patties with Red Peppers and Sautéed Red Cabbage.

                Thursday: Mexican Style Stuffed Bell Pepper

                Friday: Stroganoff with Smashed Cauliflower

9:00 Herbal Tea

Dinner isn’t always at 5:30. Mondays and Fridays I have 30 minute cardio after work, so I typically eat a little later. On Wednesdays I have an hour bike ride and won’t eat until after that has been handled. I found that with the oats and sweet potato this menu was heavy on carbs most days.

Week 2:

6:30 1st Breakfast: 1 Scoop Plant Fusion Protein

8:30 2nd Breakfast: The Best Oatmeal EVER

10:30 1st Lunch: 1 Scoop Plant Fusion Protein

12:30 2nd Lunch: Chickpea Salad in Lettuce

3:30 Snack: 1 Scoop Plant Fusion Protein

5:30 Dinner: Varied-

                Monday: Rabbit Salad and a Banana

                Tuesday: Salad with Homemade Thai Style Peanut Dressing

                Wednesday: Chili

                Thursday: Brussels Sprouts and Mushroom Bowl with Random Homemade Mustard Sauce

Friday: Pecan and Nutritional Yeast Crusted Mushrooms with Black Beans and Coconut Stewed Kale.

9:00 Herbal Tea

After a bit of analysis I decided I needed to ramp up my protein b/c I was a handful of grams shy daily. So I make my mid-day a scoop and a half. I also cut out oatmeal for breakfast to conserve carbs. I was also instructed to eat prior to lifting in the morning, so for the third week I have added a banana and a shake at 5:30 on my way to the gym instead of after my lift.

Week 3:

5:30 1st Breakfast: 1 Scoop Plant Fusion Protein and a Banana

7:30 2nd Breakfast: 1.5 Scoop Plant Fusion Protein

10:00 1st Lunch: Kale Soup and Chickpea Cutlet

12:30 2nd Lunch: Salad with Homemade Seitan and Homemade Balsamic Sweet Pepper and Spinach Hummus

2:30 Snack: 1.5 Scoop Plant Fusion Protein

5:30 Dinner: Varied-

                Monday: BBQ Chickpea Cutlets with Crusted Mushrooms and Brussels Sprouts

                Tuesday: BBQ Vegan Patty with Sautéed Mushrooms and Onions, and Avocado with Pickle Spears

                Wednesday: Lentil Wheatballs with Peppers in Tomato Sauce with Carrots and Broccoli

                Thursday: TBD

                Friday: TBD

9:00 Herbal Tea

It is currently Thursday so I don’t have the details of my dinner yet. I am still working on my afternoon scoop and a half of Plant Fusion.

Wednesdays vary a bit. I don’t workout in the morning. I do my cardio on my bike after work for 60 minutes, so I adjust my shakes to fit that. Weekends are slightly different. I typically eat for breakfast what I had for dinner the night before. Whip up some random food for lunch and drink shakes here and there.
Chili and Cashew Sour Cream for Breakfast!

Additionally, I have started a better bed time routine. Around 9:30 I try to get away from the TV or my lap top. I use my phone some, but I try to put that away too. I boil some water for tea, lie in bed and read a chapter of a book. (Currently Eat & Run by Scott Jurek) 

I have always had a hard time falling asleep. Honestly, if I had it my way, someone would chat me to sleep nightly…but that never happens…and initiating that would be a weird conversation, “Can you talk so that I can fall asleep? Yeah, you are boring and it makes me sleepy…Thanks.”

Soooooo, instead I have started using yoga-ness. Some nights I’ll do a 15-20 minute routine that mostly loosens the hips and legs, and then ends by lying in corpse pose. (Savasana) I just think about my breath, in and out, deep belly breathing; before I know it my tea has kicked in, it is 4:30 and I need to pee. (This is a technique I use to trick myself, “Oh no! It is time to get up…Wait, nope, just have to pee…half hour more sleep, YAY!”)

It was harder at first, but now that I have been in the mix I am pretty set in my ways. I can do things without thinking for the most part, and it saves a lot of time. All of this activity does cause me to have an awful lot of I hang dry a lot of stuff...And my room ends up looking pretty amazing. I try to dry out my cardio clothes before I throw them in the hamper, then everything is less smelly.
Hang Dry Only...

This is what a sweaty pile of cycling clothes looks like...
I am boring myself.


Shop for food weekly

Prepare breakfast and lunch weekly

Set out clothes for physical activities weekly

Pack gym bag nightly

Plan meals that fit into the macronutrient breakdown


Rest (aka go to bed)

Have a good nightly routine


sarabethxvx said...

great share!

Stephanie said...

Thanks Sara! Looking forward to reading more of your Blog too!

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