I need these snacks to be low in calories and simple.
1.5-2 Scoops Plant Fusion (Any flavor but Choco Raspberry, also Plant Fusion Protein is super smooth and has arrowroot in it, which will make the pudding thick....If you aren't using this product consider buying some at veganproteins.com it is also available in some stores [Food Fight, Fred Meyer])
1 TBL Unsweetened Cocoa Powder (I use Trader Joes or Giradelli-Lower in calories)
1 Cup or so Unsweetened Non-Dairy Milk (I use Vanilla Almond/Coconut)
If you need more liquid add water, or forgo the milk to save calories and just use water!
Whip it with a fork or a whisk. If you whip it enough it will become more of a mousse...
If you put it in the blender with a few ice cubes it becomes a rich shake, OR if you do a lot of ice cubes you can make it almost an ice cream. I have yet to put it in an ice cream maker...PROJECT for next week!!!
Looks like a bowl of pudding...Um...Yeah.
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