Sunday, September 23, 2012

It's Basically Winter

So...Summer is officially over...

I just realized this last week when I was at the Milwaukie Farmers' Market...There were fewer people, I was wearing a long sleeve shirt, and there weren't as many fresh berries! I had a minor internal spaz attack...


Not Enough...
Quickly I stopped acting like a moron and thought, "Oh hey self, why don't you get some of the last of the fresh Oregon fruits and turn them into frozen Oregon fruits?!" So I did. I grabbed a half flat of mixed berries and froze them!

Side-by-sides are dumb
I was afraid of them turning into a giant lump of frozen deliciousness...So I devised what I consider to be a genius plan...

I covered my stackable cooling racks with foil and layered the berries. I let them sit overnight and put them in zip-top bags. When I was done, I only had about 4 bags of berries. Considering I can eat half a flat in a week by myself, I decided I would definitely need more.

I got a flat and a half of mostly blackberries, some raspberries and a lot of blues. They are currently taking up space in the auxiliary freezer I have in my garage. I only plug it in once in a while when I need extra storage (aka making raw vegan cheesecakes) I covered 8 cookie sheets with foil (My mom said wax paper works great too, but I didn't have any.) and berries. I realize I will have to ration them, but I've set my mind at ease knowing they are there.

I also got some peaches and nectarines. I will blanch them to remove the peels and then slice them for freezing as well. Anyway...I just thought you should know. If you invite me over for a delicious meal in the middle of December I may just make a tasty berry cobbler to share.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Win or Quit

When I was looking to buy a bike I was advised to buy a Cyclocross bike and start racing. I took a few clinics, and had my first race yesterday.

I am registered for the entire 5 week series BLIND DATE AT THE DAIRY. The way it works is I had to register as a beginner and as you perform well you move up into other classes. Beginners-->C-->B-->A...You get it.

I placed 3/29 in the beginner category. I intend to win next week and have the organizers demand I upgrade to C's...Hopefully I can dominate that field too. I was too excited to not post about this on Facebook, Instagram, this blog...while mentioning it to everyone that fills their water at the jug by my cubicle...makes me think I should get a Twitter and a Tumbler...Ha.

I'm being fucking ridiculous, but I'm too excited to care, and I can delete this post at any time.

I'm also helping out with the course stuff, so I stayed after my race and helped clean up. I got filthy. It was amazing. I haven't been that dirty in combination with such an intense high from doing something so competitive in years. Holy crap that felt amazing. I can't wait to do it all again next week!

I registered for a weekend race on 9/30...Hopefully I can dominate that too...

Welp, I'm having a really good day...I hope you are!


Side note, VEGFEST THIS WEEKEND!!!!! You should come.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Portland VegFest 2012

This weekend is VEGFEST! Brought to you by Northwest Veg!
Carnivores, Omnivores and Herbivores welcome…come learn about ways to improve your quality of life and the quality of life of those around you; Human and Non-Human alike!! Take a gander at the VegFest Website for details on all of the exhibitors and sponsors.

IF you are not sure what this is all about…watch some movies…on NetFlix or on your computer in the next couple of days…I suggest Food Inc., Fresh, Forks Over Knives (also screening at VegFest), Earthling (be warned…GRAPHIC), and Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead…Maybe read some stuff…Since books aren’t as easy to come by (I’ll lend you some books) just Google around…peruse the NW VEG website…Check out some of my favorites listed on my LINKS page. Perhaps just spend some time thinking about where you want to be in 5-10 years and what you want the world around you to look like…
I will be located at The (vegan) Caterer’s booth promoting our services! We will have a slide show of many of our tasty dishes, sample menus, and we have a promotion for 10% off your order if you book an event before 3/31/2013!! (Some restrictions apply…but they are super reasonable J)
In addition to bringing joy through food for our clients’ compassionate events, we have teamed up with PlantFit Training Studio and Registered Dietitian Alison Ozgur to bring the people (that’s you!) a Fitness and Nutrition plan! PlantFit Gourmet will be debuting at VegFest! We will have tons of information available on site, but to entice you…here is a rundown:
·         10 meals per week prepared by The (vegan) Caterer. Lunch and Dinner M-F

·         1 Personal training session and fitness evaluation with Champion Body Builder and Certified trainer Ed Bauer
·         8 Group Class sessions at PlantFit Training Studio
·         2 Nutrition consultations with Registered Dietitian and nutritional author Alison Ozgur; also a signed copy of her book Go Beyond Good

Alison Ozgur's Book!

Be sure to come find us!
VegFest Details:
Dates: September 22nd-23rd,
Time: 10am-6pm
Location: Oregon Convention Center 777 NE MLK, Jr. Blvd. Portland, OR; Exhibit Hall A
Admission: $6 for Adults; Free for kids 10 and under
·         Get $1 off if you print THIS COUPON

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Salad Rolls and Peanut Sauce

This recipe is very subjective, just use what you have. Here’s what I had available yesterday…


Lettuce, shredded…5 cups?
Red bell pepper
Purple cabbage
Asian Section of the Grocer...
Shredded carrots
Rice Paper
Non-furry towel (I use a flour sack type, just not terry cloth)
Block’o’tofu; cut into strips
Sweet Chilli Sauce
Dry pan fry tofu
Lightly...Keep 'em tender...
Cut your vegetables
Put warm water in a dish large enough to hold a rice paper – Read the back of the package…they usually know what they are talking about.
Lay out your towel
Soak your first rice paper in the warm water until it is pliable. “Al Dente” is best, too soft and it will just tear.
Lay flat on towel (some people do not use a towel, I think they roll together better/faster
Add vegetables, a stick or 2 of tofu, a line of sweet chilli sauce
Wrap up like a professional burrito maker – see photos. They may tear, don’t give up. It seems hard at first, but once you get the hang of it you’ll wonder why you were whining so much before.

Set aside
Wrap until your ingredients are gone...or until you have enough...If stored in a zip-top bag they stay well over night for lunch the following day. They may fall apart a bit, but they still taste ridiculously good.
Peanut Sauce

Someone took a bad picture and cut off the lemon's head...It was me.
¼ cup Peanut Butter (crunchy, creamy, doesn’t matter)
¼ cup Warm/hot water
2 TBL soy sauce or Bragg’s Liquid Aminos
¼ Tsp chili powder
¼ tsp ginger
2 tsp Lemon Juice

Glop Peanut butter in a bowl
Add water
Glopped and ready for wHisking

This is what smooth looks like...

Whisk until smooth
Add Braggs and spices

Taste test
Add lemon juice
Taste test
Adjust as needed, I usually add more Sriracha and a skosh more ginger…

Serve…I jazzed it up with some dry roasted peanuts and a shake of paprika…No need to wait, these will not burn your mouth. Enjoy!

Up close and personal...

Get Saucy

All together now...